About Untold
Untold Narratives works together with writers marginalised by community or conflict, to develop and amplify their work.
In many parts of the world, local writers (fiction and non-fiction) don’t have access to the cultural infrastructures necessary to develop their writing and to find new platforms. Untold supports these writers to develop their work; share their stories with wider communities in their own languages and grow global audiences in translation.
We also connect and support emerging literary editors and translators, to contribute to the development of local cultural landscapes.

Established in 2020, Untold was set up in response to the needs of a group of Afghan women writers who had little or no opportunity to work with editors or translators, or to have their work published.
This initial group of twenty writers has been working with Untold since then and has led to the publication of, My Pen Is the Wing of a Bird: New Fiction by Afghan Women (MacLehose Press, 2022), Rising After the Fall (Scholastic, 2023)and My Dear Kabul (Coronet, 2024).
This group has now doubled in number and these Afghan women writers form the core of Paranda, our initiative for writers in Afghanistan and those in the diaspora.
In 2022, we partnered with BEE Books in Kolkata to replicate the editorial model used for writers in Afghanistan, which resulted in the Write Assamese project and the anthology A Fistful of Moonlight: New Fiction from Assam (MacLehose Press, 2023). We’re hoping to do more in NE India, as well as collaborations with writers in Yemen, Iran and those writing in the indigenous languages of South America.
Untold delivers writer development projects that bring writers from one part of the world to readers in another.

"There are stories in this country that people elsewhere have no way of knowing.
This is why it's so important that our work is recognised beyond our borders."
– Writer from Paranda
"There are stories in this country that people elsewhere have no way of knowing. This is why it's so important that our work is recognised beyond our borders."
– Writer from Paranda
Meet the team
Lucy Hannah – Founder and Director
Sarah Gardner – Chair
Bill Hicks – Director
Will Forrester – Director
Will Forrester is Translation and International Manager at English PEN. He project managed Untold’s Write Afghanistan project between 2020 and 2023, and has worked for Commonwealth Writers, in the visual arts in Malaysia, and as an independent expert for the EU Commission’s Creative Europe programme. He is an editor for Review 31, a Clore Emerging Leader 2022, and a judge for the 2024 US National Translation Award. His writing has appeared in the Guardian, Los Angeles Review of Books, London Magazine and elsewhere, and he edited the 2022 anthology All Walls Collapse: Stories of Separation (Comma Press, 2022).
Emma D’Costa – Administrator
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Untold is a Community Interest Company (company number 12654173). Prospero World (UK registered charity number 1163952) receives charitable donations in support of our work through its fiscal sponsorship programme, and receives tax efficient donations from UK donors on our behalf.